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Trademark Registration India

Rather famous and popular are ours brisk and superb services for trademark registrations in all across India, performed to serve Indian and foreign companies and firms active in all pertinent economic fields. Today, our law firm based in Delhi and adored with ample and extensive worldwide prominence and repute, has become one of the hugely famous and expert intellectual property law firms of India, with the complete gamut of legal services for all categories of intellectual property. Inherent and vital among these categories are the trademarks and service marks. Our this article is confined to offer refined and highly profitable information about our trademark registration services in all across India and abroad, to serve completely and gratifyingly our Indian clients of various fields. Ours these india trademark services are described sweepingly in the lower section for greater ease and convenience to our visitors. All types and sizes of companies and firms engaged in various economic fields of India, anywhere in the whole country, are comprehensively and expertly served by ours trademark services. For trademark registration india, exclusively concerned is the new Trade Marks Act of 1999, along with all significant amendments made to it so far.

India Trademark Services

Our well-learned and vastly experienced trademark lawyers with adequate international service experience offer the comprehensive and the complete range of legal services for trademarks pertaining to all classes. These trademark services are suggesting ideas and information for creation of a trademark or service mark, conducting searches for verification of its undoubted originality and uniqueness, preparing and filing proficiently the application for trademark registration in India or any targeted country abroad, prudent and crisp trademark prosecution services, trademark renewals, trademark monitoring, trademark oppositions, and trademark infringement litigation. For india trademark registrations, any of the directly concerned offices located in Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, New Delhi, and Ahmedabad, is contacted with. And, for registering trademarks of Indian corporate bodies at level international, the immediately concerned recognized and prestigious treaties are the TRIPS Agreement, Berne Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark. Selection of any or more of these treaties is made on the basis of the business plas and priorities of the interested company, in order to extend its businesses to certain international or worldwide countries.

Get your Trademark Registration done with expert trademark professionals starting from TM Search. A team will guide for successful trademark registration. Interested people may avail our services through contacting us via or +91-8800-100-281.