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Contact Us

Trademarks India is one of the famous and branded online portals of legal services where you can expect complete sections of intellectual property rights along with other corporate law services being offered by the top rated lawyers and certified solicitors. Since, we serving the legal world from the past 5 years have made us with deep knowledge and extensive hand on experience while resolving any of the corporate services.

Trademark Services

Trademark a mark if indication or we can say sign of reorganization where users can contact us to avail the best services in trademark in India. Here our attorneys will guide you how to design and get follow with trademark search along with the complete process of trademark registration in India. Here we also offer you with complete services in trademark protection and prosecution in order to protect the every right and power of trademark owner.

Patent Services

Users can also contact us for patent services where we define the complete definition of patent that includes the unique innovations offer to the corporate world on an agreed manner. Here we serve the society with the spectrum of patent services like patent registration, patent litigation and patent drafting and many more.

Copyright Services

Copyright is the process to safe the unique artistic creative's in the particular theme as sample like literature, movie, songs, software, architecture, graphics, painting and many more. To protect your innovations and creative idea just contact us where you will gamut of copyright services in India. Under these services we bring you with copyright registration, copyright protection and prosecution where we litigate on your behalf while enforcing every right and power as per copyright act in India.

Company Law Services

Here we have a long team of corporate law attorneys who are well skilled and experienced in offering the best of company law services including company registration, new business formation and other legal aspect as per company law 1956 of India.