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Copyright Registration

Offering the whole breadth of legal services in all across India and countries situated in all around the world, our law firm inevitably provides proficient and brisk services for copyright registrations. All areas of the intellectual property laws and other laws related with people and entities engaged in various economic fields have been expertly well-served by our world-famous legal professionals. The prestigious and well-resourced head office of ours worldwide connected law firm is located in Delhi, with its many branch offices and affiliate offices being situated in all across India. In ours this highly creative and benevolent article, provided is comprehensive information about our ace-quality and swift copyright registration services, especially in all across India. Here, it may briefly be noted that copyright registration is necessary for recognizing and protecting any creative creations within the said national or international jurisdiction, in order to utilize the copyright materials for one's own professional or commercial purposes, fully freely and authoritatively, and prevent misuses of the same by any unauthorized person or entity.

Copyright Services in India

Our efficient, speedy, and responsible services for copyright registration india, cover all categories of matters, materials, and creations, for fast and flawless registration with the relevant zonal copyright office of India. Today, these copyright registration services are excellently equipped with the copyright registration online. The categories of works and creations supported by us for registration and protection are all literary works and creations, musical compositions and collections, choreographic and cinematographic creations, arts and drawings, sculptural works, paintings, architectural creations and drawings, audio and video recordings, and so on, which essentially require copyright registration. In all across India, all copyright registrations are accomplished as per the rules and regulations provided in the Indian Copyright Act of 1957. Besides the national-level registrations of all copyright matters and works, our well-informed and proficient copyright lawyers serve Indian people and entities in completing their international copyright registrations under the TRIPS Agreement, Berne Convention, Rome Convention, and the Universal Copyright Convention. Owing to these capabilities and specialties our globally famous law firm of India is now renowned for copyright services india, by Indian ad foreign people and entities.