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Patent Search

Patent search is a process of conducting an investigation in respect of past registry of the patent office all across the world. Patent search is usually conducted before the filing an application for registration that not only saves your time and also makes you assure with how much potential your proposed patent constitutes with? Patent search is basically carried out with patent office of the target country. It depends upon your innovation; in which country or region you want to launch and in respect of which you want to search its originality. There are several organizations including European patent organization, Canadian Intellectual Property Office, United States Patent and Trademark Office, European Patent Office, Indian Patent Office, World Intellectual Property Organization, Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property and many more. Similarly every country has its own respective section for patent for Korean, France, Norway, Taiwan, Turkish, Gulf, UK and many more. It depend upon you in which area you want to search the novelty and originality of your proposed innovations.

Online Patent Name Search Services

Here, we bring you with respective information about the patent services where our experts and certified professionals guide you with step to step how to conduct patent search. We are always concerned our clients with high priority in order to serve with the best. Here our credential and highly skilled team of solicitors are well versed with serving the best of patent name search in respect of all possible patent organizations of the world whether it is WIPO, USPTO, JPO, EPO, IPOS, IPO, SPTO and any else. We are well familiar with every type of patent organizations of the world in order to serve our clients with worthy. For further information and query under the aspect of patent search services you can send us email at where our team will revert back with best of online patent search.