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Trademark Classes

The trademark classes are made to represent particular trademarks related with products and services in certain economic fields. Thus, these trademark classes actually indicate various fields of the commercial, industrial, professional, and service sectors. For example, the Trademark Class V represents trademarks belonging to the field of Pharmaceuticals and Medical Preparations. And, the Trademark Class 15 implies trademarks pertaining to the field of diverse Musical Instruments. While the Class 43 of Service Mark is dedicated solely to the field of Hospitality (i.e Hotels and Restaurants in general). Thus, trademark classification is certainly a great facilitation for performing tasks of trademark registration, trademark prosecution, trademark opposition, trademark renewal, and trademark infringement analysis and litigation. This trademark classes list also helps exclusively in processing with various international trademark offices in the world over, in connection with these trademark related tasks. Today, there are a total of 45 classes of trademarks and service marks recognized in countries of the world over.

Trademark Classes List in India

In this section, we are delivering detailed and constructive information especially about the trademark classes india. As India has been a fully active and highly respected member of most of the international trademark treaties and conventions of the world, the list of trademark classes in India is rather extensive, and covers all globally recognized trademark classes. Out of these 45 trademark classes, eleven (11) classes are dedicated to diverse service fields. Creation, registration, up-keeping, and protection of these all classes of trademarks and service marks are governed, regulated, and controlled by the new Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002. Ours one of the extensively popular and reputed IPR law firms of India, has been performing these all trademark related tasks and processing with trademark offices located in all across India. Our internationally famed and admired trademark lawyers possess wide-ranging knowledge and service-experience for serving Indian and global clients in their trademark registrations and protections at national and worldwide levels, irrespective of the field they are engaged in. To know more about the trademark classes search, and ours complete gamut of expert and dedicated legal services for trademarks and service marks in all pertinent economic fields, please contact our law firm which is well-based in Delhi.