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Trademark Office

The trademark office is the magnificent governmental office which performs, supervises, and regulates functions and responsibilities given in the trademark law of the concerned jurisdiction. Thus, these trademark offices are most significant government-owned offices regarding the registration of trademarks and service marks, regulation of trademark rights, and protection of these, within the specified national or international jurisdiction. The registration and protection of trademarks and service marks connected with businesses and professions in various economic fields are required in every country at national-level and also in foreign countries at international-level, depending on the business plans and priorities of the concerned companies. Hence, a trademark office could either be a national one or an international one. Today, in order to support businesses in countries located worldwide, there are well-founded many international trademark treaties in every part of the world, the most prominent and reputed among these are TRIPS Agreement, Berne Convention, Madrid Protocol, and the European Community Trademark. Each of these treaties has a large number of countries as members, the recognition and protection of trademarks and trademark rights in any of these countries are governed and regulated by the respective international convention.

Trademark Office in India

Since India is a vast country equipped with one of the largest economies of the world, it has as much as five zonal trademark offices located in all across the entire country. These all regional trademark offices of India act in strict and complete compliance with the rules and regulations given in the federal trademark law of India. The federal trademark law of India is represented collectively by the new Trade Marks Act of 1999 and the Trade Marks Rules of 2002. Here, it is important to note that, this trademark law of India is in close harmony and agreement with most of the international trademark conventions of the world, in order to support and promote international businesses impeccably. These india trademark offices are located in every part of the country, in one of the major cities in that part; such as Mumbai, New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, and Ahmedabad. To help people and companies in their relevant trademark office search in India, it is worth mentioning that, each of these trademark offices of India has an extensive jurisdictional area that covers many surrounding States besides the State it is located in. With every trademark office india, ours internationally renowned trademark lawyers have been processing proficiently, to serve their Indian and foreign people and entities active in almost all economic fields. One of the most enormously popular and leading IPR law firms of India, is ours well-experienced legal organization with superb and swift legal services worldwide.